Thursday, May 8, 2008

Natural Rubber and Fat: A New Perspective

During Chemistry tuition the other night, I somehow got myself involved in the conversation between two of my classmates. Here are the details of the 'intellectual' conversation. (For copyright and various other unmentionable reasons, I will refer to them as A and B instead of their real names :)

Teacher: Can anyone tell me the best way to remove fat? (Real answer: Soap)

Classmate A: It's liposuction, teacher (lol)

Teacher: For uses of natural rubber, I will leave it to your imagination to decide what it is. ( ehemm...)

Classmate A: You know what B, I think I lost my 'rubber'.

Classmate B: No, I think you must have misplaced it somewhere. ( not taking the hint...)

Classmate A: I think I left it in the car

Classmate B: Ohhh, I get it. ( Now he got it) :()

Well, now I know what I'm not gonna put in my SPM paper. Thanks for enlightening me, A and B. I owe you.
Oh yeah, about the History test that I mentioned earlier. Turns out to be a false alarm, its next week, not this week.

Quote of The Day:
"Statistics are like bikinis; what they reveal is misleading and what they hide is interesting."

RonDo Alla Turca from Sonata No. 1.

1 comment:

awesomely gruesome.... jnet_h1lary88 said...

is this really mohd iqmal from 5a this year?