Thursday, May 15, 2008

Sinister Thoughts

Today is very different than any other day. I had a lot of sinister thoughts running through my mind today (much more than usual ,anyway). But then again, everyone must have had at least one sinister thought running through their mind everyday, even if its just for a split second.
Anyway, I write this post because of an interesting 'hypothesis' which I thought of while staring absent- mindedly into space one day. Well, I, for one think that everyone, and lets make it clear that there are no exceptions, have two sides to themselves:the good one and the bad one (duh!!). But, it is, however, quite interesting to consider what happens if the two sides mix together. Well, what does happen when the line between the good and the bad inside a person is blurred? How do we make a choice when the choices seem equally rational, good or bad?
I believe, however, that the human mind is a more complex structure that what it is initially presented as. It is not only a question of choosing the good and getting rid of the bad, but more of how much a certain thing appeals to you, and how you would justify yourselves when you do it.
The bottomline here is, I am trying to say that sometimes having sinister thoughts is a natural process, in which the good, (or the ego) and the bad (or the id) is always in constant conflict with one another. Yet, our choices are actually determined by our ability to compromise between both.
All this philosophy is tiring me out. I better go to bed before I ramble more nonsense...


Jonas? said...

I don't have any sinister thoughts. I think awesomely noble thoughts 24 hours a day, right? :P.

A Budding Engineer said...

Hahaha. Yeah, right. You can say that again

A Budding Engineer said...

Hahaha. Yeah, right. You can say that again

nihploD said...

Yes, Iqmal you're verrrrrrrrrry sinister. ;)