Thursday, May 15, 2008

Some People Just Don't Get It...

Today, I have just found out that some people has such a thick skull that its almost impossible for anything, anything, mind you, to penetrate it. Now, I am referring to none other than the 'esteemed' friend of mind, Mr. Rondo. A few days ago he even took some liberty to define me as a solar eclipse.
When I asked him about it, he just did his trademark cynical (and sometimes loathsome) smile and said, "I don't know".
Here's the rest of the conversation.

Me: What do you mean, you don't know? You're the one who said it.

Rondo: I don't know. Its true- lah.

Me: How come you don't know. It can't be that hard for you to put it in English.

Rondo: Its just... complicated.

Me: What the !@#$!!!! (Stalks away feeling very angry)

(Just so you know, we were discussing D.A.P. at that time, and, no, it is NOT the political party)

1 comment:

nihploD said...

Just so you know, that metaphore took me over an hour of chewing over to come up with. I was trying to philosophize the unique character of my friend the centaur into a tight compact little example. Trying to be subtle.

I'll tell you one day. No need to explode like that. Patience is a virtue even when curiosity's got the feline at knife point.