Friday, August 8, 2008

Lonely and Solitary

Last Thursday, during Lit. class, Rondo and I got into a 'solitary' kind of mood. It all started when I let him listen to my MP4, when he said:

"You know, all the songs in your playlist seem to reflect a solitary and lonely mood, its kinda depressing."

Without even waiting for an invitation, some girl which I would only call AI, replied:

"Well, maybe that's because he's a lonely person, that's why."

Thank you for giving such 'constructive' comment.
Note: Please- lah, Rondo. I DO NOT put those songs into my MP4 because I am lonely, solitary or depressed. Its just that I enjoy these songs because of their musical merit and their wonderful melody. Duh! And while I may be an unhappy person, I am NEVER lonely. Its not that I am mad or anything. I'm just trying to clarify things out... and to announce that I'm back in the blogging scene.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Just laughing all I can now cos' I won't be able to laugh next Thurzday or I'll get kicked out!