Monday, December 29, 2008

I'm Tagged?

Looks like the tagging phenomenon has hit even the farthest regions of the globe. Yes, the polar caps in the Arctic (pun intended). Looks like I have no choice but to answer. Well, here goes:

10 things about the person that tagged me:

1. He's dangerously obsessed with some model from Peru. (lol)
2. He likes an actress whom I could not even say what the name was (from Thailand I think)
3. He's shorter than me.
4. He has an unusual phobia of butterflies
5. He shares a birthday with Jessica Alba (????)
6. He gave me a ride once to Riverside (during our class farewell party)
7. He listens to Thai songs
8.He's a good artist
9. He listens to O Sole Mio, a song by Enrico Caruso
10. He has a weird sense of humour (seriously).

10 things about myself

1. I am Mohd Iqmal and I own this blog.
2. I've been told that I can be extremely boring sometimes
3. I love Chicken Cordon Bleu from Secret Recipe
4. I play the piano
5. I want to play the cello
6. I love video games, especially Warriors Orochi 2
7. I have been trying to lose weight
8. For the record, I am straight
9. I love classical music
10. I have a lot of friends ( I think) :)

The 10 people that I've tagged
1. Perry
2. Doron
3. Bruce
4. Stefan
5. Jonas
7. Chun Hoe
8. Victor Chin
9. Aizat
10. Sean Wong

There you have it. i apologise bforehand if I made any mistakes. Happy now, Gavin?


o_0 said...

This shows that u don't really noe me... =_=' sad...

I'm TALLER than YOU for sure... check our school add maths project 2007 to confirm.

Adriana Lima is from Brazil not PERU...

Anonymous said...

happy new year!

nihploD said...




and whoever gave archer the idea that dead blogs can rise from the dead, eh?

Nice to see you blogging again.

Perry Tan said...

XP LOL. BTW archer, you've got two tags from me queued up for ya. Thrilled?

Niphlod: Check ur blog chiitabox. I have proof that it floods in winter. AHA take that. XP

Perry Tan said...

blog mati

Firiz said...

hai, i'm firdaus rizwan. don't forget to tagged me, OK!!!

A Budding Engineer said...

To anonymous. Dude, what's the matter with you anyway? If you don't like what I've posted on my blog, beat it. Well, even if I consider them to be my friends, what's it to you? I'm guessing you're not even in the list.