Sunday, July 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Amal!!!!

First and foremost, I would like to apologize for my very long absence from the blogging community. Well, I just finished my exams last Saturday (Yay!!!). Anyways, today is all about Amal, and her birthday. She is a friend of mine and she invited me to her party at Kuching Park hotel last Saturday. Its one of the best parties that I've ever been to ( in fact one of the only parties I've ever been to, how sad is that). Its, as the Brits would say, posh but fun nonetheless.
The party started of quite formally with speeches from my friend and her parents. Then... things got gradually crazier. I mean it. There were games like treasure hunt where we are supposed to find unexpected things. I mean think about it. Who would bring the following things to a birthday party:

1) A school badge

2) A picture of your dad/ mum ( I got this one)

3) A red pen

4) A lip gloss (I doubt any boy would bring this, though we did have girls at our table who brought it with them)

5) A handkerchief ( We got this one, thanks to Fakri)

Well, I can't remember everything. Next, we are supposed to find two yellow 'angpau' envelopes, precariously hidden somewhere. It almost came to an end when Hisham found one of the envelopes before the event started. Well, we searched every nook and cranny of the hall. I mean everywhere. Under chairs (ehem..), under tables. I almost lost a finger or two when I tried to look under the buffet set. Turns out it had lighted stoves underneath to keep the food warm. Thank God.
Next, we have a sort of follow- the - leader game where members of the same table are supposed to dance in a line and stops dancing when the music stops. Then we have to stay exactly as we are. Its the job of the birthday girl's family members to disturb us while we remain 'frozen'. Our team is the first to lose, though I don't know why.
Next, comes the cake- cutting and the highlight of the day:

Choosing the prince and princess charming of the day.

Yep, you heard me. Every teenager in the party must join it. GAWD, what am I supposed to do?
I was subjected to total humiliation when I had to do a male model catwalk across the floor ( along with the other guys but we have to do it individually). Well, I mustered every ounce of courage that I have and did it. (FYI, when the girls did the catwalk, the boys became the judges, so when the boys did it... use your brains) The moment I started my walk, strut or whatever the heck you'd call it, my head swarmed with thoughts that would've been considered gila in real life. I heaved a sigh of relief when its over and swore I'll never do it again on my own free will on purpose. ( A girl got a video of me while I was doing th e'walk' but you won't hear her name from me). Naim won the prince and Natalie won the princess title.
Well, it was fun and I'd hope to do it again (attend the birthday party, not the catwalk) someday. Bye!!!

Happy Birthday Amal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. I heard I freaked a girl out that day. Sorry!!
Oh, yes. Claire Chang is one funky girl.


~Khuanoz~ said... you and your group of friends maintain blogs..haha interesting pastime in light of the looming exams..haha i wouldn wanto sound like the 'all-knowing' senior giving boring repeated advise but i'd just like to say this:
Know yourself and what you are capable of.
Know what you want in life and what you should and can do to achieve it.

sern khuan

j@Ve said...


Rina said...

i found ur blog. =)

nihploD said...

I'm sure Iqmal didn't expect anything from that catwalk competition.

A Budding Engineer said...

Rina. Hi, welcome to my blog. Sorry, its quite bland. No pics yet. Just wait, maybe I'll put some.

Sern Khuan. Thanks.

Javier. Your comment is far too... short, lah. Add some more.

Doron. Yeah, I didn't. Thanks for rubbing it in.

nihploD said...


Actually I was being sarcastic...

Anonymous said...

my birthday.
love that day.

a tip for you : next time bla pegi birthday orang .mbak ilek and HAVE FUN! stop using your big brain for a while.

A Budding Engineer said...

Anonymous. I think I know you...

nihploD said...