Monday, December 29, 2008

I'm Tagged?

Looks like the tagging phenomenon has hit even the farthest regions of the globe. Yes, the polar caps in the Arctic (pun intended). Looks like I have no choice but to answer. Well, here goes:

10 things about the person that tagged me:

1. He's dangerously obsessed with some model from Peru. (lol)
2. He likes an actress whom I could not even say what the name was (from Thailand I think)
3. He's shorter than me.
4. He has an unusual phobia of butterflies
5. He shares a birthday with Jessica Alba (????)
6. He gave me a ride once to Riverside (during our class farewell party)
7. He listens to Thai songs
8.He's a good artist
9. He listens to O Sole Mio, a song by Enrico Caruso
10. He has a weird sense of humour (seriously).

10 things about myself

1. I am Mohd Iqmal and I own this blog.
2. I've been told that I can be extremely boring sometimes
3. I love Chicken Cordon Bleu from Secret Recipe
4. I play the piano
5. I want to play the cello
6. I love video games, especially Warriors Orochi 2
7. I have been trying to lose weight
8. For the record, I am straight
9. I love classical music
10. I have a lot of friends ( I think) :)

The 10 people that I've tagged
1. Perry
2. Doron
3. Bruce
4. Stefan
5. Jonas
7. Chun Hoe
8. Victor Chin
9. Aizat
10. Sean Wong

There you have it. i apologise bforehand if I made any mistakes. Happy now, Gavin?

Saturday, December 27, 2008


It's been a while since I last posted anything, and seriously I need a new template for my blog. Before we begin, please read my comment on my last post. You might be wondering why I call this post 'Creepy'. Well, to tell you the truth, I've been having creepy dreams lately. Now, now. Don't jump to any conclusions just yet. It's not one of those dreams (ehem...) , but rather dreams of school life.
I don't know why but I keep having dreams about my classmates lately. Don't worry, they will remain anonymous. If you're asking me about what the dream is about, I don't remember much but I remember seeing glimpses of their face. And another thing, there's these dreams about getting my results, but I can't see what I got (whew!). But seriously, they creep me out. I hope they're not precognitive or something, if not... that's another story.
The creepiest things about these dreams are, they're recurring. For those who's blur rught now, they keep happening, again and again. Well, I look forward to the new year. That's all for now.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Happy Holidays!!!

Hi everyone! I' m back! Contrary to popular belief, my blog is not dead (lol to Gavin Wu). Its just that I'm so busy now that I don't have time to post anything. Busy with what you may ask? Having fun of course! Honestly, I haven't had this much fun since... well, I can't remember. I've been busy playing video games (Jason Wong might know about this one.. Hehe) , watching movies (yes, Rondo, I AM going to watch Twilight), reading a few books (non- study related, of course) and much more. I wonder how is everyone enjoying their holiday? Well, I hope you guys are having fun. After all, we deserve it. And to my friends out there, Merry Christmas and a have a Happy New Year. Well, since I'm posting I might as well do this. Here are my resolutions for this holiday. (FYI, they are not listed in order of importance):

1. Have lots and lots of fun

2. Lose weight

3. Play more music

4. Enjoy myself

5. Read books

6. Spend more time with my family

7. Relax

8. Watch anime and read manga

There you have it. Short and simple. Well guys, I' d like it if you guys would post on how your holiday has been. Before I forgot, good luck to Bruce and all my other friends going for the first batch of NS. Have a safe trip. Also, Rondo, good luck in the U.S.A. Just don't come back to Malaysia and get all cocky and forget about me. Keep in touch (yes, I know about the time difference).